Uncategorized – THATCamp CNY 2017 http://cny2017.thatcamp.org April 7, 2017 - Syracuse, NY Fri, 07 Apr 2017 18:06:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.12 HathiTrust: collections, datasets, potential http://cny2017.thatcamp.org/2017/04/05/hathitrust-collections-datasets-potential/ Wed, 05 Apr 2017 18:58:13 +0000 http://cny2017.thatcamp.org/?p=185 Continue reading ]]>

Many researchers are familiar with HathiTrust as a collections content-provider, particularly for public domain works. And, it is assumed that users at non-member institutions can’t really access the digital library’s features, nor get access to datasets to analyze. This librarian says that you can do it!

In this session, I will show how to set up a University of Michigan Friend Account (if you aren’t from a member institution), demo the collection builder, provide an overview of dataset options, intro the HathiTrust Research Center portal, and show tips and tricks about seeing the full metadata and rights for a volume.

Additionally, I’d like to discuss — How can the library support researchers who are wanting to work with HathiTrust data? I’d like to discuss options, especially with folks who have used or who want to use datasets.

Are there any researchers attending THATCamp who have used HathiTrust datasets in their research? if so, please volunteer to share them during the session!

VPNs, Piratebox, and TailsOS http://cny2017.thatcamp.org/2017/04/03/vpns-piratebox-and-tailsos/ http://cny2017.thatcamp.org/2017/04/03/vpns-piratebox-and-tailsos/#comments Mon, 03 Apr 2017 14:00:17 +0000 http://cny2017.thatcamp.org/?p=174 Continue reading ]]>

**Note: I teach a class MWF from 10:30a to 11:30a; any times outside of that are fine by me.


Given recent political events people are more interested in VPN and safe browsing. In this session I will introduce three tools: The Piratebox, TailsOS, and Virtual Private Networks.  Piratebox, a totally legal, open source project that converts a router into a personal file sharing device that is private, secure, and functions independently of an internet connection. Next I will show participants Tails, a legal linux distribution that prioritizes privacy and which you can install on a flashdrive.* The session will end with a discussion about  VPNs – how they work, what they protect against, and why people might want to use them – and the measure participants want to take to match the level of privacy they desire.
*for participants that bring a flashdrive of at least 6gb, there is potential for them to make a TailsOS drive during this session [note: all contents of the drive will be erased]

http://cny2017.thatcamp.org/2017/04/03/vpns-piratebox-and-tailsos/feed/ 2
Assistive Tech design BY individuals with disabilities http://cny2017.thatcamp.org/2017/04/02/assistive-tech-design-by-individuals-with-disabilities/ Sun, 02 Apr 2017 02:32:55 +0000 http://cny2017.thatcamp.org/?p=167 Continue reading ]]>

Assistive technology is any object that an individual with a disability uses to increase, improve, or maintain his or her functional capabilities. I want to propose a discussion about maker spaces as places where individuals with various dis/abilities can work independently or with others to make customized and contextually relevant assistive technology. Top-down approaches to assistive technology design consist of professionals and non-disabled people creating things FOR individuals with disabilities. I would like to brainstorm some of the possibilities that could stem from a consumer-driven maker space enabled approach to assistive technology development.

What new inventions and product improvements might result from individuals with impairments leveraging their experiential knowledge of disability and design in everyday life contexts? How can we ensure that people with disabilities play a central role in design regardless of their specific abilities? How do we supplement existing top-down approaches to designing things for individuals with disabilities with an inclusive, interactive, and sustainable model of creating solutions to everyday life issues alongside them? Let’s brainstorm ways to make maker spaces environments where people with disabilities can empower themselves through design.

MakerSpace Tour and TinkerCad tutorial http://cny2017.thatcamp.org/2017/04/01/makerspace-tour-and-tinkercad-tutorial/ Sat, 01 Apr 2017 20:05:37 +0000 http://cny2017.thatcamp.org/?p=165 Continue reading ]]>

I have booked the MakerSpace @ SU from 3:00-4:00. They have offered to give us a tour and to do a tutorial on how to use TinkerCAD to design a 3D printed object.

They are prepared to handle around 20 people and we can shift people in and out if need be.

Making/Breaking Circuits http://cny2017.thatcamp.org/2017/04/01/makingbreaking-circuits/ http://cny2017.thatcamp.org/2017/04/01/makingbreaking-circuits/#comments Sat, 01 Apr 2017 19:34:00 +0000 http://cny2017.thatcamp.org/?p=163 Continue reading ]]>

We propose a session that looks at making in the humanities. We are going to demonstrate how to use a MakeyMakey to turn bananas into a keyboard, making paper circuits that will add lights or sound to paper, and making a contact mic to pick up sound waves from everyday objects.

Our presentation will demonstrate what someone can do with a few hours of practice, what resources are available as tutorials, and a conversation about how/why you could include these in humanities classes.
We anticipate taking time to do an introduction to these resources and giving people some time to play around with them as well.

http://cny2017.thatcamp.org/2017/04/01/makingbreaking-circuits/feed/ 3